Woman has six babies Live Videos

It's not every day that parents bring home sextuplets!!
The video is nothing but incredible.
All six babies were all born healthy.
A multiple pregnancy, in which a woman is pregnant with two or more fetuses at the same time, happens either when a fertilized egg splits before it implants in the uterus (as is the case with identical twins) or when separate eggs are fertilized by different sperm (making fraternal twins).
But pregnancies involving three or more fetuses are rare.
Fertility drugs increase the chances of a multiple pregnancy because these medicines stimulate the ovaries to produce many eggs. If some of these many eggs are fertilized at the same time, they can result in multiple babies.
A high-multiple gestations pregnancy is classed as a high-risk pregnancy, meaning that premature labour (preterm birth) is very common, high blood pressure and diabetes are all possibilities as well but proper prenatal care and early detection are keys. 
In the case of having sextuplets, C-section is considered safer than vaginal delivery. 
For a vaginal delivery, the position of the baby is critical, most babies are born head first (vertex presentation), or in other cases buttocks first (breech presentation), which can be manually corrected. 
If the baby is lying horizontally in the uterus (transverse presentation), it may not be able to come out at all. With multiple babies, it's not uncommon for at least one of them to be in the wrong position.
One important risk is postpartum hemorrhage, which is extensive bleeding following the delivery. Normally, after a baby is born, the woman's uterus begins to contract to help stop any bleeding. But, when a woman is carrying triplets or more, her uterus may not react normally after the babies are born. Medications and massage of the woman's abdomen may help. In severe cases, even a hysterectomy. 
Video by @abbas.ch_
