Case of a 3rd degree burn after an electric shock!

Case of a 3rd degree burn after an electric shock!!
This is a third-degree burn, as the skin and underlying tissues are destroyed.
Note the coagulated blood vessels that lay right beneath the skin. In such cases the tissue destruction is often severe and progressive due to vascular injury and prolonged production of thromboxanes induced by the electric current.
Fasciotomies and escharotomies should be performed within 6–8 h of injury if compartment syndrome is suspected. Clinical signs such as edema, pain with passive motion, and subjective firmness of the compartments are adequate indicators of the need for compartment release.
It is essential that all compartments of the hand and potentially the forearm, both dorsal and volar, as well as all digits, Guyon’s canal, and the carpal tunnels are released.
The loss of skin also increases the chances of infection.
Burns victims need to be kept hydrated and the burns must be kept clean.
